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AutorenbildSilver Witch

Four times four - the magick of the elements Part 2

In my first post about the four elements, I've talked about Fire and Earth. This time I am gonna talk about the elements water and air.

Air is what we breath. It brings us clarity and wisdom and is associated with logic and abstract thoughts as well as with intuition, memory and psychic work. It symbolizes the higher consciousness and is mostly related to divination. A balanced amount of air energy will lead to intelligence, practicality and optimism, whereas an overload or lack will lead to impulsiveness, frivolous and/or easily fooled characters. It is the element of the east.

The element of air is strongest during dawn and spring, when the world is changing and beginning fresh another cycle. Air is also called wind in some traditions.

Air energy is mostly related to divination since it is this very element that connects everything in the world.

Planets associated with air energy are Mercury, Hermes or Odin, both gods of merchant and travelers, Jupiter, Zeus or Thor, both gods of thunder and sky, and Uranus, who's name means sky or heaven, who's the husband of Gaia the earth and is the ruler of the universe in greek mythology.

Zodiacs with strong air energy are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini is the invisible medium of voice through the air, speaking the truth,

Libra is the medium of human relationships and a skilled empath

and the invisible eruption of ideas formed from thin air, the creative medium of this element is Aquarius.

Include the energy of air in your practice by using feather, incense, censer, a pen, a besom (broom) or bells. Breathing exercises will help you connect to the element as well. (If you read my Part 1, you may notice that breathing is also a grounding technique associated with the earth element - see where the correlations are?)

Crystals can also be associated with air energy. Especially topaz, amber, citrine, japer and agate. But also minerals such as tin and copper are related to this element.

Planets with air energy are acacia, anise, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, vervain and yarrow.

Air connects everything and is everywhere, every time. It lets our mind travel and captures our secrets in its invisible hands.

The last of the four elements, I am gonna talk about is water.

The element of the west. This one is strongly associated with femininity, whereas fire the masculine opposite is. Water is connected to emotions, subconsciousness, purification, wisdom, the soul, eternal movement, absorption, reflection and (self-) healing. It is ruled by the moon, connecting it to the lunar energy and is therefore represented by the moon symbol as well. In the right amount, water energy can strengthen compassion, love, receptivity, flexibility, forgiveness. When unbalanced, it can lead to indifference, depression, instability and moodiness.

The time the water element is the strongest isa everyday during dusk, when the full moon is up and during autumn.

Planets related to water are, obviously, the moon, Neptune as well as Pluto, the gods of the ocean and the god of the underworld in greek mythology. Zodiacs with strong water association are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Cancers are the mother of the water element

Scorpio is the guardian

and the dwelling within the water element are pisces

If you want to incorporate the water element in your practice, for healing purposes, compassion and love, or to strengthen your connection to grandmother moon, you can simply add water. Alternatively use sea shells, sea weed, drift wood, a chalice or cup (also found in tarot) or your caldron.

You can also shower or take a bath to use the healing and purifying properties of water.

Crystals with water energy are amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue fluorite, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal or sodalite. Mercury or rather known as silver also carries the water element.

Plants associated with water are aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, jasmine, gardenia, lemon and lilac, Passion flower, roses, thyme and willow. (Maybe you notice, if you are familiar with herbalism and the language of flower, these are all associated with love, emotional balance, wisdom)

Different kinds of water have of purposes:

Moon water (water charged with the energy of the moon over night) will work energizing. Cleanse and charge crystals with this water or add it to magickal baths for blessing and purification.

Spring water is suitable for fea-work (not recommended for beginners! They can be very tricky), also used in rites for abundance, love, fertility and subtle magick. It is also liked to use as scrying water because it is pure and clear.

Snow water in your craft will help focus on purity, endings and change and is preferable used in spells that are supposed to work slowly.

Rain water is a perfect multipurpose kind of water. Just make sure if you take rain water in, distill it. Simply cook it for a few minutes to make sure no harmful emissions are in it. The properties will not be lost! This kind of water is best used for growth and rebirth spells and rite, as well as for gaining power over time. But as said, this water is very versatile and can be used as substitute for any other kind of water.

River water is great for rites and spells for moving on and change, as well as energy focusing and breaking through blockades. A river will break down any stones and will unavoidable dig into the ground over years. You can also use it for warding and it is a perfect tool for activating.

Ocean water is very cleansing in its properties. It is healing and cleaning, but can also used in banishing and protection work.

Thunderstorm water is very powerful and used in any magick work. It works especially well with emotional strength, confidence, charging and motivation spells, as well as hexes and curer (which I do not promote on this blog if not for a reason that will benefit all involved parties!)

Crystal infused water or gem water - I grew up with a mom loving crystals and always putting quartz, rose quart and amethyst in our tap water. The water will be adapting the properties of the stones. Please make sure to not put in any stones that will release toxic in water such as adamite, alexandrite, aquamarine, any stones of the beryl group, tourmaline, celestine, emerald, fluorite and more. A over the thumbs rule is: don't put crystals ending on a -ite in water. They will on one hand break down and on the other hand release toxic in water such as copper, aluminum and fluorine etc.

Tap water - I used this probably the most together with rain, gem and moon water. Tap water can be used as substitute for all waters if you don't have access to other kinds of water. We lucky live in a place where tap water is an endless resource and can be drunk without concern. Tap water may not boost your craft as much, but works just as fine.

Water is water and will guide you through your practice if you connect to the element. It will teach you to love and heal yourself.

This is by far not everything to know about the four elements, for example, there are whole theories about humans being all of the five elements in one, but it is a good foundation, I think. I will write more in future about the four elements as well as to use them in your practice. As I will write about the fifth element - spirit or aether.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and blessed be,



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