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AutorenbildSilver Witch

Moon Magick

Hi, hello and welcome to the very first post on the Silver Witch blog. It´s very nice to meet you here on my little heart project. I am Silver, an eclectic and solitary witch that likes to learn about everything and anything! But I also like to share my experiences and get connected with others - therefore, I started this blog.

If you want to get to know me better, I will link my about me and my story on the end of the post. But enough of the introduction: let's get magical!

I thought, because this post is going life during a lunar eclipse, the most fitting topic to talk about would be Moon Magick. I've always been very drawn to the moon. Even to a point that I got a full moon tattoo.

During the nighttime we tend to be more sensitive and open to the for the mundane eye invisible world. Not relying on our sight, we also feel more connected to the ground we stand on, our inner self and the lights of the stars guiding our way. Grandma Moon will watch over us as we walk the shadowy night.

The Moon - or grandma moon, as I like to refer to it - has great impact on both nature and witchcraft. She controls the tides, influences our mood and symbolizes both femininity and emotions. Because of her might over the tides she is obviously associated with water.

But it doesn't stop just there. The moon, or rather the moon cycle symbolize eternity, movement, growth. Wiccan and some pagan believers use the moon as symbol for the mother goddess or for the horned god, too.

Each of the eight phases of the lunar cycle has their own effect on our magickal practice. It takes 29 days to complete a cycle, so the moon needs nearly a full month to travel around the earth one time.

New Moon - Regenerate and set intentions

The phases begin with the new moon. That means, the moon can't be seen because it is on the opposite side of the earth than the sun is.

This is the perfect time to set your intentions for the following lunar cycle. Take your time and reflect. On what you want to accomplish in the next 28 days, or what you want to manifest. You can write down wishes on a piece of paper and burn or bury them. New moon is time of low energy and therefore the perfect time to relax and begin anew!

By the way, you can do moon magick during the day, too! The only advantage when you do it during the night is, that your magick will be extra boosted. But the energy will be accessable during the day, too. So, don't worry if you are not a night owl or are still in the broom closet and can't perform spells and rites at night.

Waxing Moon - plan and prepare intentions

The next phase is the waxing crescent, when the moon slowly travels farther around the earth and gets illuminated by the sun. You will be able to see a crescent moon now. If you are not sure whether a crescent moon is waxing or waning, try to write a b. When the moons shape fills out the belly in b it is beginning!

Together with the waxing moon the energy level will raise. It is a great time for working on your intentions. Growth spells and creative work will be very successful during this time.

First quarter - take action

Put your plans and intentions into action during the first quarter. The Moon is half full now. This is a period of strength, determination, concentration and commitment.

Gibbous - Cultivate and observe

The fourth phase is called waxing gibbous. The moon is three/fourth illuminated. During this time you should prepare for manifestation. Constant action and commitment are keys to a successful cultivated intention. Take your time to look back and see how far you've already come, then set your gaze forward again and refine your actions to get what you intended.

Full Moon - high energy and celebration

Finally it is time for the full moon. The energy is highest and you will feel it. I can't sleep on most full moons because I am so energetic. Like I have ants in my pants!

When the moon is fully illuminated you can harvest your manifested intentions and prepare to the next phases of the moon with energizing yourself and warding off unwanted energies. There is a reason why most coven meetings are set on a full moon. A witches magick will be boost by the full moon.

A little side note: you noticed how the energy level increases with the illuminating of the moon? The reason for that is, the moon reflects the suns light and the sun is pure energy. Therefore, when we work with the moon, we actually work with the suns energy as well!

Maybe you have notice, that shortly before and during a full moon you are really tense and short tempered. That is the moons influence on you. Practice to refrain from arguing during this time and spend time by yourself to charge you up!

Disseminating - practice gratitude

The waning gibbous is next. The moon is now disseminating. As the moon lets go of the suns enlightenment, it is time for you to let go of what no longer servers you. It is also a great time to practice gratitude. Especially, for everything the full moon did for you.

Last quater - release and acknowledge

The last quarter is a time of transformation. Allow yourself to continuously let go and release what you want to let go. Accept, what didn't work out and acknowledge your new experiences.

Balsamic - rest and reflect

The waning crescent (it fills out a d for disseminating if you write on the moon) is the beginning of a period of relaxation and solidifying your transformations. You can also start to prepare new ideas to plant into the next cycle. Take your time to relax and rest. Reflect on how you've grown in this cycle.

After all, the next cycle starts again with a new moon - set your new intentions and grow!

My intentions are clear! I want to charge this blog with special lunar energy during the lunar eclipse and want to keep this project going and growing and enchanting many witches and witchcraft interested people! If you want to help me with that, you can follow me in the wix-app or on instagram @silver_n_honey. Or share this post with your witchy friends.

I am gonna write more posts about moon rituals and how to work with the lunar energy soon - so look forward to it!

Thank you for reading and blessed be, till next time,



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